Singing Guide: Peach Union

Singing Guide: Peach Union

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Learning to Sing like Lisa Lamb of Peach Union: Tips and Resources

Peach Union is a UK-based electronic/alternative duo from the '90s, comprised of singers Pascal Gabriel and Lisa Lamb. They were known for their eclectic style that blended acoustic and electronic elements, and for Lisa Lamb's distinctive, breathy vocal delivery. Learning to sing like Lisa Lamb will require attention to detail, a focus on breath control, and an understanding of how to emote with your voice. Here are some tips and resources to help you get started:

  1. Analyze your voice

    Before you start, it's helpful to understand your own voice type. Singing Carrots offers a voice range test to help you determine your vocal range. This will allow you to identify areas where you need improvement and tailor your practice to your unique voice.

  2. Breathing basics

    Breath support is essential for any singer, but especially important for emulating Lisa Lamb's style. Check out Singing Carrots' breathing basics article and try out the Farinelli breathing exercise to improve your breath control.

  3. Emoting with your voice

    Lisa Lamb is known for her emotive vocal delivery - sometimes delicate, sometimes soaring. Singing Carrots offers practical advice for expressive singing in their singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article. To practice emoting with your voice, try out Singing Carrots' relaxing breath exercise.

  4. Articulation

    Lisa Lamb's breathy style often requires attention to articulation. Singing Carrots' articulation article offers advice for clear pronunciation while singing. Try out the finger bite exercise to improve your articulation.

  5. Vocal distortion

    While Lisa Lamb's style is generally breathy and delicate, there are times when she uses vocal distortion for effect. Singing Carrots' vocal distortion & growling article offers practical exercises for developing this technique, such as the how to growl exercise.

  6. Song choice

    To really get a feel for Lisa Lamb's vocal style, it's important to study her music. Some notable Peach Union songs to study include "On My Own," "From This Moment On," and "Sorrow Town." Singing Carrots' how to learn a song effectively article can help you break down the song and focus on specific elements of Lisa Lamb's style.

Incorporating these tips and utilizing relevant Singing Carrots resources will give you the tools you need to learn how to sing like Lisa Lamb of Peach Union.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.